Friday, February 11, 2011

Flying Car? My EYE!

Looks like the Flying Car is finally upon us. No fooling, here's the website. I know what you're thinking- "Where's the cup-holders"? That's the first thing I thought of too. Anyway, they need a $10,000 airframe deposit, then you get to wait in line until they finally roll off the production line. You might as well wait in FantasyIllusionLand (not to be confused with the Aleutian Islands) because you're as likely to marry Cinderella as you are to lay hands on your Flying Car. It's never going to happen.

Grocery shopping: So it's Brie, Caviar, wait... White or Black Sea? Better call home

While cool, this device is in fact useless except to escape a sort of "Zombie Dawn" scenario, or to get away from visiting In-Laws (and your Priest-Hole is having renovations done). You can't really just drive it around- your insurance cost would be $50,000/month, considering a fender-bender would ground you. Picture a traffic jam, where all the enthusiasts are getting out of their vehicles and setting up the wings, using the shoulder of the road for a runway. It'll make Pearl Harbor look like some minor misunderstanding, or an average swim meet.

OOPS! Forgot the milk and aspirin- back in a sec

Getting back to that whole "Zombie Dawn" idea. Oh how the neighbors will just die with envy as the zombies are killing them to the sound of your engines *whooshing* you out of trouble. "That's right suckers! You laughed when my house was foreclosed on after buying my Flying Car, or how my wife joined that convent and my kids became Communists, BUT WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?" 

Anyway, my final assessment: put a rear-firing flamerthrower and two extra cupholders on it, and you've got something.


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