Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poseurs Beware Part II

You know, if B.O.B. can wear a monocle to the Grammy's (see "Poseurs Beware") and ruin my life, I figure I can return the favour. I have therefore decided to join the ranks of the Rapper community under the name of 'Legal Tender', or 'Legal TenDAH'. A possible variation would most likely be 'L. Eagle Tender'. I guess I could claim that my real name is "Lee Goaltender" (instead of Mandrake, which is my real name) which would give me amazing cred with the influential Hockey community. Lessee, what else do I need aside from a rap name? I would of course need a monocle (got that already).
DJ Commandant Klink: O, Oh-Oh, the Hu-Hu-Humanity-FOOL

I would also need a discography. Here are some song titles I came up with that will make B.O.B. live in mortal fear of me, career-wise:

-Slap My Ostrich Up
-Alcatraz Is My 'Hood
-Sass' My Dictator
-Economic Action Plan (Featuring 'Stolin Kurrency')
-Golfing On the Titanic
-Put a Little Lead In Your Heart (featuring 'Am'bitious Colt 45')

Finally, to make people forget B.O.B., I need to come up with a catch phrase that becomes SO BIG that people forget anything that ever happened before it became popular, like Calvin Coolidge or even Atomic energy.

How about "That's PLOW™"! As in 'that's bad', or 'that's terrible', or maybe to replace the word 'bogus'.

plow also plough  (plou)
1. A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
2. An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow.
3. A statement expressing disapproval of an object, person or event, as in: "Did you see B.O.B. wearing a monocle at the Grammys? Yeah, that was PLOW™, man". 

Don't worry, I'll remember all the little people when I'm famous.


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