Sunday, November 28, 2010

Send Monsters Into Space

Space flight IS expensive, so we need to start thinking out of the box. The
current box is manned missions to Mars; clearly this won't happen anytime
soon. We have to start considering sending the hardiest and most expendable
earth creature into space- yes, I'm referring to the Gila Monster (aka Hila
Monster). An expendable Gila Monster space suit could be developed for
under 3 million dollars. Picture a Mars rover with a Gila Monster's front
legs tied to the controls as it roves all over the planet, its breath
partially fogging its helmet. Then picture an accidental explosion where
the little pilot is blown into the sky only to fall into the camera's view
looking sort of like a baked chicken with a tattered, smoking space suit on
it. Sad, yes! But Hiroshima it isn't. Money is saved, lives are saved,
what's not to like about this idea?

Synchonistic element- I was thinking of Gila Monsters seconds before I
wrote this email.
Interesting, No?


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