Thursday, January 20, 2011

Godzilla goes Red; takes Jet Jaguar along for the ride

The new "Axis of Evil", or just clowning around?

8 October, 2011
Reuters- Tokyo, Japan

"Red October" kicked off with a surprise today when it was announced that Godzilla has embraced Marxism. Even more surprising was Jet Jaguar, the self-programming robot, has joined him in the new "Socialist Monster Pact", or SocMonPac. Professor A. Japp, of the University of Hiroshima was asked how and why this turn around has occurred. "Both Jet Jaguar and Godzilla worked hand in hand with capitalist governments in the past. Their casino in Seatopia topped two million  USD in profits last year. The lack of actual space-monster attacks and the halt to nuclear testing in the Pacific may have turned them into soft-headed limousine-liberals lately, but this step seems unprecidented."

Some hints may have been overlooked. In a TIME magazine interview last year Jet Jaguar joked that if he became an Obama-style socialist, it would make him the 'biggest' Communist on earth.

Godzilla also took the opportunity to unveil his new book "The Soviet Monster", which outlines how by rejecting the past and its traditions while embracing education, Monster-Kind will usher in a golden age of perpetual revolution.

Air forces of the free world have been put on full alert.


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