Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winter Blues Got You Down? Well, Too Bad!

Ah'm just joshing. Of course I'll rescue you, through the power of your own *IMAGINATION*. Just imagine how great summer is going to be! Or at least spring! For those on the Riviera who don't have the Winter Blues™, this won't interest you.

This guy seems to be doing just fine. Why not you?

Picture Sunday afternoons in the backyard. You know the one's I mean- everyone sitting around the gallery or on the deck in straw hats, sipping Iced-Tea and talking about much mint makes a really good Mint Julip. Then somebody says, "who's up for tossing a few javelins"? You bring out the javelin barrel and set up the targets- a few on top of the neighbour's fence, some in the windows of your home, and a bunch of stuffed toys scattered around the yard (mostly plush cats and dogs, maybe a baby seal or a dinosaur that squeaks). Minutes later the yard looks like a pin-cushion, your neighbours are being taken away in ambulances, and the police are slapping the cuffs on you.

Another thing that's fun is a bean-eating contest in your living room. You get like 9 or 10 guys and a few vats of beans (you might want to give everyone a napkin to tuck into their shirts). Then you fire of a shotgun and the whole group starts eating like crazy! Every 2 minutes you stop eating and tell everyone to breath in and out really fast so they hyperventilate- that way people get light-headed and start laughing uncontrollably as they cram the beans. You should have a funny joke prize like a big can of beans for the winner.

If that's not enough fun for you, try this: Convincing a dog that it's a horse. You will need a small joke saddle and a little racetrack.

Finally, try convincing your 20-Something aged nephews that they are not animals but in fact humans. You will need a classroom, a laser-pointer and doll house to show them what living indoors is like. If you have a lot of time to kill, try teaching them how to read.

Tell me how it worked for you,


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