Saturday, December 11, 2010

Introducing the Peeping-Tom Alien ™

UFO Quack Jeff Peckman to Reveal Alien Video in Colorado 
"A few weeks shy of the July 2008 release of the X-Files sequel, aptly titled, “I want to Believe,” Jeff Peckman showed the world’s media his amazing alien video today. The secret video, which has captivated the world’s attention from trailer parks even as far away as Australia, was shown at the Tivoli Center on Auraria campus in Denver, Colorado. The conclusion? Inconclusive."
What a surprise…

Here's the amazing infra-red photo capturing the Alien in the act:

OK, let me get this straight. This Alien flies a million-trillion miles (at the cost of 48 zillion Krutongs) and all he does is stick his head through some hick's window AND gets caught doing it?!?!?!? I see unemployement in his future, or a job cleaning up socks in locker rooms at the bottom of the big purple ocean in the Popeye Nebula.

"Peeping-Tom Alien, your failed mission cost the indolent taxpayers of our advanced civilization 48 zillion Krutongs! I could just pinch you!"
 -First Incipient Ruuuthan, of the seventh moon

By an amazing stroke of pure luck, the Aliens from the Popeye Nebula speak to each other in word balloons that are visible when you squirt lemon juice onto Infra Red photos. The transcript is provided below:

Peeping Tom Alien: I'm going to take a second peek in the window.
Quaeznar (second Alien): Don't do it- you already looked once, that's
PTA: I don't think they saw me or took an Infra Red picture the first time.
Quaeznar: Hey, keep your tentacles to yourself!
PTA: That wasn't my tentacle.
Quaeznar: OK, quit joking around. Take another look and lets get out of
PTA: (Taking a look) UH OH, I think the hick took an Infra Red picture of
Quaeznar: Cheese it!

the conversation ends here


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