Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas from Mandrake

Hi Peeple,

This being Christmas, I thought some kind of present was in order.
Since I don't have everyone's address or their favorite colours or whatnot,
I thought I'd offer something practical and dazzling at the same time.
Feel free to copy these images to your hard drives:

 You may ask, "Mandrake, HOW are these images practical (although 
they ARE dazzling)?" Well, have you ever received an email that you 
want to respond to, but can't quite think of what to say?
Well, just press 'reply', paste one of these into the body and hit 'send'.
There's not a message on earth of these babies can't handle. 

For example, someone sends you a message that says
"Hey (insert your name), I just became the father of an 
8 pound 2 oz. baby boy. I'm thinking for a first and middle name
'Jimmy Olsen'. What do you think?" Well, that's when you wheel
out old Mecha-Godzilla. Lil' junior will thank you, unless the 
hapless father names him "Mecha-Godzilla". 

I'm afraid I assume no responsibility for any outcomes except
those that make me some money, somehow.

Enjoy, and again, the Warmest Merry Christmas,


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