Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh, What Secrets the Forests Hold

Letter from one of my nephews:
"On sunday, while walking through the forested areas of the Mountain,
I happened upon something remarkable in the woods. It was a true-to-life,
real Survival Lean-to!! Just sitting there, unused! Seemed very well
constructed, and, if that is the case, its must still be there!"


My Reply:

I built that one- don't touch it. In fact I have them all over the place- I
call them "Bug-Out Shelters", so that no matter where I am, I've got a
place to go. In a small concealed pit three paces to the west of all of
them you'll find the following items:

-Reserve Emergency Hatchet
-Picture of Queen Elizabeth II with Hatchet marks already on it
-A can of Campbell's Cream of Cheddar Cheese
-Candle, painted to look like dynamite
-Dynamite, painted to look like a candle
-Secret coded document to remind me which one the dynamite is
-A bottle of Stella Artois
-Copy of Robinson Crusoe on Mars (DVD)


Uncle Mandrake

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