Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sudden Death Dinner Party

OK, what do we have here?

I'm not sure who's side I am on in this story... let's look at the different perspectives:

The Husband:
You've just finished 18 holes of golf without losing your 2-Wood or 3-Wood, clearly. You're hungry and so is your best friend, Steve, or whatever his name is. Your dishy early-1960's wife greets you both at the door with a Swanson TV-Brand Dinner. The SHAME! You would have done better to head over to the local maximum security prison, where you'd get the same meal, except you'd have to eat it with a wooden spoon (or a homemade shank). But you play it cool, and give the "excellent" hand signal, while you contemplate driving her head 400 yards down the fairway with your 2-Wood.

The Wife:
You've just finished vacuuming with your new vacuum machine and were about to sit down with a nice Martini in front of the radio and tune in to Amos & Andy, or something (I may be off by as much as forty years, here). The doorbell rings- it's your absentee husband. That's not all- he seems to have invited the hated Jimmy Olsen over for dinner!!!! The lousy hobo! You'll teach him, though. Quick as a rocketship, you blast into the kitchen and throw the giant turkey you have in the oven directly out the window for the dog to devour, while you break out the Swanson thing. That right suckers, ONE meal for the three of us.... Next time call ahead.

The Score?
Husband & Wife: 0
Jimmy Olsen: 1

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