Saturday, December 11, 2010

Somebody Throw a Net Over These Guys

Eco Architecture: Futuristic designer envisions ULDUs for global warming refugees
  Anupam | Jul 24 2009

Eco Factor: Self-sufficient habitat to house global warming refugees underground.

"With the increase in greenhouse gases and the continuous emissions of harmful gases to suffice the planet’s need for energy and technology, global warming does seem inevitable. While the world is getting more conscious out the environment and the need to prevent such a disaster, futuristic designers have started thinking about the habitats of the possible millions of global warming refugees."


Maybe someone should have pointed a few things out to the Artist AND the Architects (click on the picture to blow it up for a good look):

1- The earth is effectively destroyed, right? So why are the refugees wearing the same clothes we are today? Shouldn't they have some drab uniform made of reconstituted cactus?

2- The woman in the image is carrying a purse; Why??!?!? Is she about to go shopping in the desert? "Price check on scorpions". Either that or she carries it around the house like all women do, I guess, because I don't pay attention to such things. Even so, what is in her purse? Can't be makeup- THE EARTH HAS BEEN DESTROYED. Keys to an EARTH DESTROYING CAR? No. I guess that's where she keeps her cell-phone (for a refugee?) or the cyanide pills for when they contimplate their fabulous future.

3- OK, the earth is a desert, they're refugees, but they have a pet dog. Is that what the tree in the dome is for, so it can have something to pee against? Can't be, because they only do that to mark territory- BUT THEY LIVE IN A BUNKER IN THE DESERT.  BTW, how many other dogs swing by in the average week? Also, they need to drink the dog's pee to survive in the hellish future. Finally, what does the dog eat? I can only assume it's Soylent Green for Less Active Dogs Formula™.

4- Junior and dad (there seem to be nuclear families in the future- have the police been informed?) have nothing to do but wander around the place like it's some kind of exercise period in a Turkish prison. Maybe for Thanksgiving they venture out to shoot a giant Gila Monster or something.

The future's so bright I have to wear a welding mask.


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