Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One, Critical Mistake

"Two terrified youths who ran into a Staffordshire police station were in no doubt they had seen a UFO land in a field near Chasetown after they experienced an intense heat when they were walking up Rugeley Road, Burntwood, at 11pm on 4 May 1995. "Their skin turned a glowing red," said the Staffordshire police inspector's report. "They saw a darkish silver inverted saucer shaped object in a field, which was glowing red beneath. The object was about four houses high in the sky and about 40ft away from them. They then, reluctantly, went on to state that a voice, which came from a lemon-like head, which appeared beneath the machine, said: 'We want you, come with us'."


The Lemon-Head Aliens™ seemed to have made one small slip up that may cost them their plans of world domination- they almost landed a four-story tall Spaceship in a county in England in broad daylight. Then, in an attempt to cover up their tiny mistake, they politely asked the two hopelessly unbelievable youths to come closer to the Volcanically active ship, giving them a sunburn before heading back to Citrus IV, their home planet in one of the spiral arms of the Sour Custard Nebula™.

Oh, there will be questions asked in Venerable Tart Parliament™ when they get back...

ADDITIONAL: Know Your Enemy
While the Lemon-Head Aliens™ of the Sour Custard Nebula™ are not indolent like the Aliens from the Popeye Nebula (aka the Fried-Egg Nebula), they seem to be just as stupid. However it might be a good idea to keep watching the skies AND your drinks, in case they try and slip everyone on the planet something at the same time when We're Not Paying Attention™.


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